Entrepreneurship Education

What is entrepreneurship education?

Entrepreneurship education for us means cultivating the mindset and acquiring the skills necessary to think and act entrepreneurially in business and society. We therefore support the teaching and learning of entrepreneurship in schools and higher education, as well as funding relevant research and practical programmes that teach start-up skills.  


What we do

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    Entrepreneurship in schools

    Our goal is to nurture pupils’ confidence in their own creativity to enable their entrepreneurial spirit to flourish. We therefore support projects that promote entrepreneurial thinking and provide practical experience of entrepreneurship.

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    Developing start-up competencies

    Young people’s entrepreneurial attitudes should be encouraged and their economic independence enabled. To this end, we support projects that impart start-up know-how and provide the necessary infrastructure in the start-up preparatory phase. 

© Picture: Nirmal-Rajendharkumar-1lGeOg6IULc-unsplash

Our goal

We believe that our dynamic and complex digitized world needs more people who can think and act entrepreneurially. We thus aim to awaken young people’s spirit of entrepreneurship and nurture the skills they need to apply it, so that they can develop the creative agency to become "entrepreneurs of their own lives."  

This includes enhancing entrepreneurial thinking among students and equipping aspiring entrepreneurs with start-up know-how, so they are able to put their ideas into practice. We also support research on entrepreneurship success factors that adds to the body of existing knowledge in the field. 

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  • Entrepreneurship

    Förderfonds Entrepreneurship Education

    Project description

    Kinder und Jugendliche sollen die Möglichkeit haben, die Welt von morgen aktiv mitzugestalten. Dazu benötigen sie unternehmerische Kompetenz. Der Förderfonds „Entrepreneurship Education“ der Stiftung Bildung unterstützt bestehende und geplante Projekte von Kitas, Kindergärten, Grundschulen und weiterführenden Schulen, in denen Kinder und Jugendliche unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln ausprobieren können und erfahren, was es heißt, ethisch und nachhaltig zu wirtschaften.

    Förderung von unternehmerischen Ideen an Kitas, Kindergärten, Grundschulen und weiterführenden Schulen

  • Entrepreneurship

    Social Impact Stuttgart

    Project description

    Das „Social Impact Stuttgart“ (ehemals Social Impact Lab Stuttgart) unterstützt Gründerteams für Sozialunternehmen in der Start- und Gründungsphase mit dem Stipendienprogramm „Wirkungsschaffer“. Das Stipendium beinhaltet professionelle Coachings, Workshops und einen Arbeitsplatz in einem Co-Working Space.

    Entrepreneurship Education für Gründerinnen und Gründer mit sozialen Ideen

  • Entrepreneurship

    HEED - Institute for Human Engineering & Empathic Design

    Project description

    Das Ziel von HEED, dem Institute for Human Engineering & Empathic Design, besteht darin, die Gründerkultur in Deutschland zu stärken und Studierenden die Entwicklung zu innovativen und unternehmerischen Persönlichkeiten zu ermöglichen. Dadurch soll ein gesellschaftlicher Wandel vorangetrieben werden, der Risikobereitschaft nicht mehr stigmatisiert, sondern als einen positiven Wert erachtet.

    Entrepreneurship Education für Studierende an der Hochschule Pforzheim

  • Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship Research Award

    Project description

    Seit 2014 wird der Entrepreneurship Research Award, dotiert mit 4.000€ an junge Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen verliehen.

    Preis für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zur Erforschung der Entrepreneurship

Why is entrepreneurship important?

Interview with Dr. Katrin Schlecht.
"For me, entrepreneurship education means always critically questioning one’s own approach and creatively adapting it, thereby making it possible to implement one’s ideas successfully." 

What constitutes entrepreneurial thinking for you? 
Openness and creativity. Someone who thinks and acts entrepreneurially is someone who is always trying to stay one step ahead of others. In order to succeed, you have to walk through the world with your eyes open. You can’t follow a single path too rigidly. Instead, you have to be able to adapt creatively to changing circumstances. 

Why does this make someone a better leader? 
Good leaders must carry others along and motivate them. This only works when you have conviction in your way of doing things. If you stay flexible and always question your own approach, you make more reflective decisions that make sense to others. This is an essential foundation that enables a team to implement ideas successfully.  

How does the foundation promote these competencies? 
Through practice. We believe that entrepreneurship education isn’t only about disseminating theory. We therefore support educational projects through which children and young adults can apply their ideas and thereby discover what it means to act entrepreneurially. Only through lived experience can a sustainable spirit of entrepreneurship be awakened.   

  • "An entrepreneur is someone who, in following his vision, always looks beyond himself and brings others along, so that everyone benefits."

    Dipl.-Ing. Karl Schlecht
    KSG Founder

  • Get your project funded

    Do you have an idea for a project that promotes entrepreneurial thinking and action? Learn more about getting it funded.