Cultural Education

What is cultural education?

For us, cultural education means learning to use one's creative potential through learning and doing in the arts.  This means much more than going to the theatre, reading the classics or developing technical know-how in the arts. Rather, it’s about developing artistic and creative competences that make it easier to think outside the box, develop new and unconventional approaches to problem-solving and actively shape one’s life.  

What we do

  • Bildinfo
    © C/O Berlin
    C/O Berlin

    Learning by doing

    We believe that cultural education should be an integral part of both everyday and lifelong learning. Our goal is therefore to give young people opportunities to develop their artistic and creative potential. To this end, we support a range of cultural initiatives in schools and universities, as well as those that bring them together with cultural institutions to deliver hands-on instruction and experience.  

  • Bildinfo
    © Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
    gegenwART 2022

    Supporting early career artists

    Our goal is to promote the creative development of young artists and help them gain wider recognition as role models and idea generators. We believe that they should be given the freedom and tools to explore and hone their abilities and therefore support institutions and initiatives that nurture artistic talent and creative competence.


Creativity opens new pathways \ © Picture: iStock-1365137596

Our goal

Good leadership needs creativity; above all, it must generate ideas and solve problems.

Our foundation’s vision is to help people develop both their artistic potential and their personal qualities and to nurture creative approaches to addressing the economic and social challenges of our time. We are therefore committed to the cultural education of schoolchildren, students and the next generation of artists, as well as enhancing cultural competence in the business world.  

We support cultural education projects in Baden-Württemberg and Berlin. 

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Kulturelle Bildungentfernen

21 Hits

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  • Cultural Education

    Kostprobe Oper!

    Project description

    Noch nie in der Oper gewesen? Kein Problem. Beim Projekt Kostprobe Oper! können Grundschulklassen aus drei unterschiedlichen Berliner Bezirken kosten, wie ihnen Oper mundet. In der Spielzeit 2024/25 dreht sich alles um die Kinderoper Nils Holgersson.

    Musiktheaterpädagogische Projekte für Kinder

  • Cultural Education


    Project description

    Die Staatsoper Unter den Linden hat zusammen mit 15 Berliner Musikschulen das Opernkinderorchester etabliert. Das Orchester bietet Kindern zwischen 7 und 12 Jahren, die zuvor unter musikalischen und pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten von ihren Musikschullehrern ausgewählt wurden, die Möglichkeit, erste Opernluft zu schnuppern.

    Musikalische Nachwuchsförderung

  • Cultural Education

    Jugendarbeit der Gitarrenfestspiele Nürtingen

    Project description

    Förderung des musikalischen Nachwuchs bei den international renommierten Gitarrenfestspielen Nürtingen

  • Cultural Education

    PHILMO – die rollende Erlebniswelt Orchester

    Project description

    PHILMO - Das multifunktionale Fahrzeug der Philharmonie Reutlingen bringt mit unterschiedlichsten Formaten und Projekten die ganze Bandbreite analoger und digitaler Möglichkeiten des Entdeckens und Erlebens von Musik und Orchester zu Kindern und Jugendlichen. Das PHILMO bildet das Herzstück der Erlebniswelt Orchester mit dem Ziel, klassische Musik auf innovative Weise für jeden erlebbar zu machen. 

    Musikalische Bildung stärken

  • Cultural Education

    Kreativ durch Achtsamkeit – gegenwART

    Project description

    Achtsamkeits- und Kunst-Workshopreihe „gegenwART“ für Master- und Promotionsstudierende

    mit MBSR-Experte Markus Zeh und dem Künstler und Kunstvermittler Valentin Hennig

    Vermittlung von Kreativitäts-, Achtsamkeits- und Stressmanagementstrategien im Kontext von Mindful-Leadership.

Why is cultural education important?

Interview with Katrin Schlecht

Why does a good leader need to be creative?

Good leadership requires mental agility, people who can think outside the box and find diverse solutions. I therefore consider human creativity to be an indispensable core competence - especially in this era of digitalisation: machines can’t think creatively. Only through creative people can the economy and society remain agile; only through creative people can others be motivated and carried forward.  

© Picture: Kulturschule Lise Meitner Gymnasium, Böblingen

And this is where cultural education helps?

Art and culture are so diverse. Anyone who engages with it will encounter inspiring approaches that can enhance their own. Furthermore, the field is so broad that it's not uncommon to come across things you don't understand right away. Dealing with such things is a valuable experience. It makes you more conscious of your own abilities and limitations. But you also begin to think your way into it, ask questions, look deeper, and grow in the process. This strengthens self-reflection and empathy, broadens your perspective and thereby promotes personal development. That's precisely why we support these kinds of encounters through our projects.


© Picture: Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, gegenwART 2022

But creative work also plays a role in leadership?

Of course, it's indispensable. Through creative work, children, teenagers and young adults learn to use their own skills creatively and generate new ideas. These are also central tasks of good leadership. 

  • "For me, cultural education means approaching new questions with an open mind, thinking associatively and being able to solve problems creatively." 

    Dr. Katrin Schlecht
    CEO, Karl Schlecht Foundation

  • Culture matters!

    Do you have a project that provides cultural education for young people and promotes our vision of good leadership? Learn more about getting it funded.