Leadership Education

What is leadership education?

Responsible leadership in business and society first requires developing responsible self-leadership. For us, leadership education therefore means learning and experiences which support the development of a mature reflective personality and interpersonal skills, as well as continuously strengthening one's personal and professional leadership competencies.

This is the foundation for building a leadership culture of clarity and trust that puts people at the centre.   

What we do

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    Personality Development

    Our goal is to help young people recognise and harness their potential. We thus support projects that promote children’s and young adults’ self-esteem and facilitate self-reflection, self-efficacy and self-confidence. 

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    Leadership Tools

    Aspiring leaders should be supported in character development; only those who know themselves can also lead others. We accordingly support projects that nurture young people's self-awareness, self-reflection and self-knowledge. 

Shaping future leaders \ © Picture: iStock-1365436728

Our goal

We believe that our dynamic, complex and uncertain digitalised world needs leaders who keep people AND their businesses equally in mind.  

By enabling young people to develop their personal strengths and skills in the area of leadership, we aim to help them shape society and the economy consciously and responsibly to promote the common good.  

The foundation further contributes to expanding knowledge about what it takes to lead well through our own "Führung + X" project which explores key factors such as good decision-making, trust-building and passion for what you do.  

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  • Leadership Education

    Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ)

    Project description

    Entscheidungen einer Führungskraft werden nicht nur von ihren eigenen Regeln und Werte beeinflusst, sondern auch von denen des Unternehmens und der Gesellschaft. Deshalb erforscht das Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ) an der Zeppelin Universität in Friedrichshafen Führung aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und kombiniert dabei wirtschaftswissenschaftliche und psychologische Ansätze.

    Zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten des LEIZ gehören soziologische und ökonomische Management- und Organisationstheorie, Integritätsmanagement, Governance- und Compliance-Systeme sowie die ethische Entscheidungsfindung im Wirtschafts- und Finanzkontext.

  • Leadership Education

    IFZ - Initiative Zukunftsfähige Führung e.V.

    Project description

    Die Initiative Zukunftsfähige Führung – kurz IZF – wurde 2013 als Non-Profit Organisation gegründet und bietet Raum für kritischen Dialog, Reflektionen und Perspektivwechsel.


    Die Initiative Zukunftsfähige Führung gibt Impulse für eine nachhaltige, zukunftsfähige Führung.

Why is leadership education important?

Interview with Karl Schlecht on good leadership 

What makes a good leader? 

He promotes trust-building. No one buys a machine or other product if they don't trust the company and the people behind it. But this factor is not only decisive in the customer relationship. Every interpersonal relationship that is to succeed requires trust - including the one between a company employee and his or her manager. 

How does a leader build that trust?  

He has to know how to make the right decisions. That is the supreme discipline. It promotes trust in competence. At the same time, he must feel love for his own actions and show it. That makes him and his work credible. 

How does your foundation promote that?  

A consolidated personality is an important basis for making decisions and standing behind one's own actions. That's why we support potential leaders in character-building. In my eyes, humanistic values play a major role in this.  

  • "Anyone who wants to lead others should have something to bring to the table. That's why we want above all to strengthen awareness of and confidence in one's own competence through our leadership programmes."

    Dr. Katrin Schlecht  
    CEO, Karl Schlecht Foundation

  • Get your leadership project funded

    Got an idea for a project that fits our vision of Good Leadership? Find out how to apply